2022 PACCF Officers Visit Poland
In October 2022 President, Christopher Nowotarski and Vice President, Steve Tokarski traveled to Poland and set off on a 2-week non-stop schedule of visits and meetings with various organizations throughout Poland, that have been provided financial support from PACCF or that have requested support for the first time. Most of the organizations they visited are focused on serving children and young adults with various levels of disabilities and handicaps, who might, otherwise, not be provided with the level of care and resources that their specific conditions require, without the support of organizations such as ours.
The officers literally criss-crossed Poland, visiting organizations in cities including Krakow, Tarnow, Trzebownisko, Przemysl, Stalowa Wola, Lublin, Torun, Sobieszewo, Opole, Izabelin and Warsaw.
In addition to the visits to foundations, the gentlemen also had meetings with officials at the School of Polish Language & Culture – Jagiellonian University in Krakow, to discuss future summer cultural programs for our youth and a possible U.S. teachers program focusing on significant events in Polish history, which are, oftentimes, overlooked in U.S. classrooms. The officers also had a meeting at the Warsaw Ghetto Museum and toured various digging sites in Warsaw, that will be highlighted in the Resistance Project documentary, for which the PACCF has provided funding, in cooperation with the Illinois Holocaust Museum.
Below, we present highlights of completed projects that were funded by the PACCF in 2022. In addition, projects that are nearing completion will be added as photos and information becomes available.
Diecezjalna Fundacja Ochrony Zycia in Opole, Poland
This organization, Diocesan Foundation for the Protection of Life in Opole, Poland serves unwed and/or abused women and their young children. During the Officer’s visit, they discussed the need for a playground for the youngsters, as physical activity is important to the growth and development of their young charges. The PACCF officers were shown an unused plot of land on their premises that they feel would be perfect. In January, 2023 a formal request for funding with renderings was submitted and approved by the PACCF Board of Directors. Below is the Project, from (literally) dirt to completion.
Tow. Opieki Nad Ociemnialymi in Sobieszewo, Poland
This organization serves blind and visually impaired children who may also have certain other physical limitations. For many years, they have operated a pre-school, which includes providing specialized therapy. For many children and their families, options for transitioning into the most appropriate primary school that will best meet their needs are limited.
Therefore, the decision was made to open a Primary School, serving grades 1-3, if sufficient funding could be secured. Sr. Ida Burzyk once again appealed to the PACCF Board of Directors for assistance. Through the support of our organization, the Padre Pio Primary School will open in the Fall of 2023.
After the school has opened, an update with photos will be posted. Please visit their website to learn more about this fine facility.
Dom Nadziei – House of Hope Krakow, Poland
This Association brings together families with children who have a certified physical, intellectual and/or coupling disability. Since 2004, Dom Nadziei has been operating the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center, offering free assistance for disabled children and adolescents in the field of specialized individual speech therapy, pedagogical, psychological and rehabilitation therapy. Since 2014 therapeutic group classes were added, as part of the “Garden of Six Senses” program.
Give them a hand – and they will rise
Give them a smile – they will blossom
In 2022, a request for funding was submitted to PACCF for much needed remodeling of bathrooms which needed upgrading and handicapped specific fixtures for the benefit of the children. Below are photos of before and after remodeling and our officers meeting with Dom Nadziei Director, Pani Renata Biernacik and volunteers. Both officers were presented with a rose, tokens of their appreciation for PACCF support and a recognition plaque here.
Officers Tour Dom Nadziei
Learn More
Lublin Association for Disabled Children Dream Conquerors Project
The Lublin Association of Disabled Children, Dreamers, can confidently say that the Creators’ Oasis Project turned out to be a complete success. The main goal was achieved, renovated and equipped educational and therapeutic rooms, which are used by children not only during classes. The rooms have been renovated and arranged in such a way that students can relax, reduce stress, develop interests, explore the world in an unconventional, creative way. Thanks to PACCF support, it was also possible to purchase educational and creative aids adapted to children’s disabilities, which make classes more attractive, but above all, make the therapy process more effective. New rooms and their equipment is not only a new space but also new opportunities for children with disabilities.
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