2014 Representatives Visit Poland
In October of 2014 Vice Presidents, Steve Tokarski and Chris Nowotarski, traveled to Poland for a visit to several organizations the PACCF supports. Traveling over 1,000 miles they visited organizations in Warsaw, Krakow, Rzeszow, Tarnow, and Sobieszewo/Gdansk. They were warmly greeted everywhere they went, with stories of how much the funds received helped the organization in their charitable work. In Sobieszewo/Gdansk, Towarzystwo Opieki Nad Ociemnialymi mentioned that without the donation they received from PACCF they would have had to close. This would have left around 300 people without local assistance, who would have to travel to Warsaw for help.
A visit to Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Mlodziezy Niepewnosprawnych lntelektualnie in Tarnow, was of great satisfaction. They continue to do an excellent job in giving handicapped children a place to thrive and receive care they would not receive otherwise. The same was true of Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Mlodziezy Sprawnej Inaczej in Rzeszow/Trzebownisko. Here the mayor came personally to thank the PACCF for the donation made for the school for handicapped children.
Mr. Nowotarski and Mr. Tokarski with the staff and residents of Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Mlodziezy Sprawnej Inaczej in Rzeszow/Trzebownisko.
One of the specialized beds purchased with funds from the PACCF,
of which more are greatly needed.
Staff and residents of Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Mlodziezy Niepelnosprawnych Intelektualnie during activities.
A specialized wheelchair purchased with funds from the PACCF. The chair helps greatly with mobility.
One of the young residents of Towarzystwo Opieki Nad Ociemnialymi learning some basic skills.
Indoor Pool at Tarnow for physical therapy of atrophied limbs
Mr. Nowotarski discusses plans with the staff at Towarzystwo Opieki Nad Ociemnialymi.