Tarnow Solar Heating System
In 2019 the PACCF provided funding for a new Therapy Wing, courtesy of the Joseph Kaminski and Rose Kaminski Charitable Trusts. This project was completed in 2020, delayed due to the
Covid pandemic (See 2019 Officer Visits for photos and write-up). In late 2020 a request was received by PACCF for funding of a Solar Heating System for this New Wing. Funding was provided, again, courtesy of the Joseph Kaminski and Rose Kaminski Charitable Trusts.
Please see below letter of thanks from Sr. Joanna Sutowicz and photos of the new System. The PACCF is proud to be a part of such worthwhile and necessary projects.
Letter of thanks from Sr. Joanna Sutowicz
Vaillant Solar Control System
Solar Edge Control Module
Newly Installed Solar Panels